Sunday, May 13, 2007

Stephen had a loose tooth. Any by loose, I mean he kept being gross and wiggling it with his tongue! I told him to go to the dentist and he said he couldn't get in for an appt on post. (this is truly a problem right now, mostly for civilians and family members because of so many deploying and redeploying soldiers, they have priority).

Separate dream: I went out to eat with sh, tam and chr, their dhs and SB. Then we were suppose to go to a show afterwards, but everyone kept backing out. So I went by myself, and it was horrible. It was like the AMC (!!), but outside, and also resembled the drive in theater from Grease (and from the Outsiders). there was the music show going on, and then people were "dancing" but it was more like they were being vulgar and gross!

I wanted to leave, but we (I had now joined with Bets) were looking for Rayne (old neighbor of P&Ds in SB). We found someone who said their name was Heather also, but they were somehow affiliated with Rayne, so we rode the bus to the bathrooms and then I woke up.



dwl said...

Wow, that's an obscure blast from the past: Rayne of San Burrito!

HeatherRene said...

I'm telling you! I couldn't make this stuff up!