Stephen and I and a bunch of other people were on a bus. It was a tour bus type (like the one we'll take to Venice in June) and Chris, the victim advocate for Garrison was the driver. (I had lunch with him yesterday, maybe that's why he was in there) We were doing some football playing event where we had to have these shirts. They were grey tshirts and had our position and the logo of a team and the number of the person who played that position on that team on the front and then our names on the back. Mine had the Green Bay G on the front with QB and the #4. So clearly I was the quarterback ala Favre of the Packers.
Then, we were at some assembly and the media people there were setting up and knocked over a large wooden wall divider thing nearly missing several people. (this happened yesterday at the "Safety Showdown" with the AFN guy knocking over his tripod and almost hitting a girl).
Then we were getting back on the buses, and I stepped on the wrong one and realized they were taking showers on their bus. I got back on ours and announced that it didn't matter to me if we were a little dirty, they made their bus all hot and sticky with all that showering! (It was pretty warm and sticky everywhere yesterday).
So, see? Sometimes there IS some rhyme and reason to help explain the craziness that are my daily dreams. :)
D5 - 07/20/15
9 years ago
Did you see actual naked people or just know that they were showering?
hahaha! I just knew there was a shower in there and people had been using it!
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