Friday, May 30, 2008

29 May 08

Still dreaming about the reunion…
In last night’s episode, I was in the back seat of my first car (the grey Buick) but it still belonged to my parents. They were in the front, and we were driving through Alvin. I was crying and we pulled up to a light. I rolled down the window to tell Tiffany Gray that I couldn’t come to the reunion because I had to go to something for my “dad’s company”. I specifically remember that because if you know me very well, you know that my dad never worked for a “company”. He always taught govt and history at ACC! Always. So, anyway, a little while later it is decided I can go. I put on the dress I wore in Betsy R. C’s wedding and go. (yes, it still fit…in the dream!) Stephen was there now, I guess we were staying with my parents, I don't know if we lived there or if my brother lived there. When I get to the reunion, (you know, it’s right there in Alvin, like in that “new Senior’s Center” that is 20 years old now or something) everyone is there. We are doing something like signing each other’s yearbooks, but there is something going on about making packets for each other (??) and I am making one for Tessa Gardner. Someone is singing karoke. Then Christy gets the microphone and gives a little speech about how she use to be very reserved and to herself, but now she loves the microphone. She explained that she stands up for what she believes in regarding her family. She isn’t in-your-face, but if you challenge her, she will tell you how it is. She finished what she was saying and left. I wanted to go with her, but then J.J. Shannon started singing karoke. I think the whole karoke scene was because before bed I watched Psych and the two main characters were undercover in a singing show like American Idol called Duos. Anyway, BIZ-R as usual! I hope these dreams cease by next weekend once it’s over!

oh, and I must not have been living with my parents, because the day after I was trying to get a Space A flight back to Germany and I was going to be in trouble if I didn't get one because my job (I was still at the G8) didn't approve for me to be gone past Monday.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Saturday night/Sunday morning

I dreamed I was backing up in a car (don't know which one) down the spiral driveway of a parking garage. When all of a sudden...WHAM! I hit the wall. Jarred awake and grumbled at the dream.

Friday, May 16, 2008

PMS. In a dream? yep.

There was a lot more to this dream than I can remember, but I was SO tired when I got up that it was fading really fast.

I was at someone's housing area, and we were working out, like seriously sweating working out. When we got finished, we went up to their apt, and the girl (kind of a mixture of several the spouses here)was talking about how Sandra Bullock is a newscaster now. I burst out crying and was screaming about how, "SEE??? WE MISS EVERY SINGE *#$%** THING!!!" and just going on and on like a crazy person like it was the biggest deal ever that Sandra Bullock became a newscaster and AFN didn't carry it. Then I said I had to go home right then. So I was collecting my things and started to leave and somehow I think I was trying to leave out the balcony but had to jump from one to the other and had all this stuff. Blanket, some clothes? I have no idea. So, I fall, that's the "falling part" of the dream. I have those periodically. I just fall and fall for a while. Once I land, SB and a couple other people walk up and we are talking and someone says something about how we had to spend that money. I said, "for what?" SB said, "oh, we called your brother and we were on the phone for about an hour and a half." Then I was screaming again about how could you call without me? and didn't you think I'd want to talk to him??? He tried to say something about how they had some business to discuss and it had already waited 90 days. Said it like that. 90 days. ???? Of course I'm all, "what kind of business? I can know! Stop trying to keep stuff from me!" etc.

There was also something in there where there was some fried chicken on a counter and I was trying to pick off crispy pieces of the outside. and trying to be quiet because my Mimi was asleep.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kind of fuzzy

Memory of this one...

Part of it was about the reunion. I think my brain is working it out and being okay with not being there for the high school one or my mom's side family one. In the dream, I was at a kind of pre-reunion or coctail hour kind of thing. There were about 20 people there. Angie N, Bobby B, Tiffany G, Deb Lutz, and I think she was married to Roy Mallow or someone, maybe a compilation of him and a couple other people? anyway, I think all this is from the uploaded pics to the myspace group. It was people in those pics. So, we are at the get together and I remember saying, "Is this it? Is this all that is coming?" Also, my dad told me that at his 20 yr they got 200something of 279 there. Sounded great! I don't think we will get that high a percentage. They had theirs in an airplane hanger! How cool (and 60s-ish) is that? Anyway, I woke up not fretting about missing anything. So I think this is a good thing...
Also, I dreamed that SB told me we were being moved. Then he 8 months. So I had to decide whether or not to stay at the G8, go on to the FRSA job, tell them I'd only be there for 8 mo if I did, or what? There was also some issue about how if we moved in 8 months we would only have 7 left oconus, so what would happen then? because they aren't suppose to move us twice in one year. I woke up kind of fretting about this. I think staying longer than our 451 days (per the counter on the blog!)is still a concern for dreaming Heather.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So...I'm in this play/dance/musical. I have no idea where we are, what the time frame, but in the dream that came before this, SB and I were in a bar and we were just hanging out and the bartender gave us a GIANT bucket of ice with a small person sized test tube like bottle of liquor in it. SB tried to pick it up, dropped it and we ran out of there. Anyway, in the play, I was not suppose to have to been in this particular scene. Whoever is suppose to has not shown up, so someone shoves me onto the stage, the curtain has not gone up yet, so it's totally dark. I almost fall over someone and I say, "who is that? I don't know this scene!!" The girl says, "It's me, Amy." I look down because the voice is way shorter than me. From what I can make out, this girl is one of the "steps" young uns from high school. Like Rhonda or someone, but named Amy, and I know it wasn't Colquitt. And I think it might actually be someone from here in Germany, a spouse or someone. Anyway, the lights come up and we are in a line kind of shuffling across the stage. We pass Tammy Kim (As in Tammy Kim Dance where I took dancing when I was little) and I'm all in her face, "HIIII" but that's all I say, waiting for a look of recognition. She says, "Heather, go dance!" I start to say, "but...I don't know it" I only get out, "but" and she says, "you can just watch the others, it is easy, just blend in" as she is ushering me along. Then the alarm went off. I snoozed, went back to the dream, but we were just shuffling across the stage and I was looking around. When the alarm went off again I knew I wouldn't get passed that point, so I just got up.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Orders and moves

Last night/this morning was a hodgepodge but all related to getting orders and moving. I was first dreaming that the FRSAs were in charge of putting together all the orders for all the soldiers in our brigades/battalions. SB was helping me, and while we were putting people together, we were looking for/at different soldiers we know and where they were going.
Then, we started organizing by post. First we were doing alphabetical, but that didn't make sense because we were going to have to group them by post. At some point we were on a bus doing this, headed for a hotel. I think we must have taken a group to their departure city or something. We were with a bunch of people going to Ft Sill, OK. When we got to the hotel room, Kristi B was getting ready to do some laundry in the room, I needed to do some too, so I was looking at the other washer, but someone had left clothes in there. Then, I was irritated with one of the spouses I know IRL who was there because she was determined that when the soldiers returning from Iraq got there they HAD to sign her mug. Apparently she has been getting signatures since she'd been attending homecomings. I just kept thinking, "hey, this isn't ABOUT YOU!!!"
Lastly, at some point, we were putting some scrapbooks together of family members and I had some where people had taken panoramics in several frames to be pasted together, and my uncle D was always sitting in a corner. I found that odd.
Going to make some breakfast now...

Saturday, May 10, 2008's been a while...

Please ignore post below. SB had to do a graph for school and link it to his homework page, so he had to post it somewhere, so here it is.

I'm trying to get back to this...I've been dreaming, but not so much recording. I had a couple doozies last night, so here goes:

I should start by saying I watched the Barbara Walters special before bed, and that I got an email from AJ saying that the Duggar family of Arkansas is having their 18th child. So, sometime in the night, I was helping the KC family in a play. The kids had to be in it for school and needed adult volunteers to play teachers or something. We were suppose to walk in, sit down, and then stand up one at a time and ask "excuse me," and then something about how to properly do something (like it was a manners or etiquette class). When it was my turn to stand up, Lisa Walsh had sat on my skirt and the corner of my v-neck tshirt. I was reaching my arms straight up as I was trying to stand and they both came down about a foot. So there's my top, down around my ribcage and everyone is laughing. I'm trying to pull it up and shushing KC and LW who are laughing and I begin my lines (to my kid costar who I think is S, but may be J) with, "excuse me, that is not an appropriate way to react to such an occurrence, can you tell me an appropriate way to do so?" It was pretty funny.
THEN, different dream, SB and I are spending the weekend w/ CGB's family, but they have 18 kids (ala the Duggars). I am shocked to find that there is no fighting, a clean house, general harmony. I begin to "interview" one of the little girls. (in BW fashion) and find out that she has been adopted. She looks right into my eyes, is kind of crying and says, "I don't know why she gave me away, I was just a baby, I didn't even do anything wrong yet." BW has an adopted daughter, I didn't know that before last night, maybe this brought it up. ?? anyway, I feel like there was more to this dream, but I can't remember it. OH, and I asked CGB how she managed this harmony, and she was clueless as to what else she should expect. "what do you mean? It's just how we are." No idea that they should all be fighting, refusing to do chores, etc!
There was one more from last night, I think about the reunion, can't remember it.

A week or so ago...

I dreamed I was at a "planning meeting" for the Class of 88 reunion. The whole class was there, in a huge room, like a conference room at a hotel. We were throwing out ideas for the reunion, and Kathy O'Steen came up to me and announced that she was angry because I didn't tell her about the reunion. I started crying and told her that I'm not the planner, and I can't even go myself!
Then I realized, we WERE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A REUNION! I mean, we were all there. I woke up thinking 2 things. #1-I have the capability to contact anyone I want, I am part of the myspace/facebook/email generation, and if I want to contact someone and catch up with them, I can do so. and #2-the "realize the situation you are IN" of being there planning it, but not taking advantage of what we actually were doing made sense.
IRL I contacted Kathy O via myspace and told her about the dream and the reunion. She had not heard about it. She probably thinks I am full on crazy.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008