Wednesday, February 18, 2009


its free!
Sorry I missed a couple days on the posting...I was busy building snowmen and laying low celebrating President's Day in style (w/ hot chocolate and snuggly socks!)

Now...the Military Postal Service. We can send packages from our post to any other in Europe (I think) or downrange (to deployed Soldiers) FREE!

Now THAT'S a deal! :)

I'm off to send 4 boxes to some deployed Soldiers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't offend you.(what a way to start a comment)
I had this blog under the dream title on my old netvibes page. I did not have it on my feed reader. I check the netvibes page about once a month, because there are a couple of blogs that I like to check on occasionally, not daily.
I added this blog to my regular feed reader that I check daily, but it's under the new title. This morning, I see "MPS" I read over the short entry and think, "Oh! I wonder if HRL-B knows about this?"
