Tuesday, June 26, 2007


K, I got the notebook back by the bed, but then didn't post for a few days.

First, I dreamed a short/sweet little dream in which I went to visit lil T and he told me that his "first mommy couldn't take care of [him], but his always mommy does!"

Then, I went to a meeting to plan a big FRG party. It was super involved and there was so much to do! I talked to our advisor, and we were concerned about who would do what and when. I'm leaving and she's leaving for vacation, etc. OH, (just deciphered notes) some beans were spilled in her SUV, and I did it. I didn't realize it until after a little boy had already gotten a spanking for it, and I felt horrible. Weirdest part...JS (from dreams months ago, remeber? Amanda's brother?) He kept calling me "Boobs". This is a direct result (I believe) of an episode of The Office.

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