So, hmmm, I'm not sure where to start. The first thing I remember is me and some other people (I don't think I know who they are) were running around stealing money out of these big giant old timey cash registers. The drawers were open and the coins were huge, like the size of my palm. But apparently we were being forced to do this by some bad guys because we were all scared and didn't want to be stealing. At some point I ended up at my friend Eric's house and we were talking about what to do about this and how we could return this money. I started to realize that Eric was in on it. Or maybe Leonardo (yeah, di Caprio! How about that?!) was in on it and Eric and I weren't and were trying to get out from under his control…Not sure. Anyway, a little later, I am in an office and I have a gun and I'm telling everyone who comes in to put their hands up. I start to round up bags of money and say that I'm going to return them. Someone tries to cross me and I shoot at them, but purposely shoot just near them. The bullet bounces around all over the room, like a rubber bullet or something. And people just keep walking in. By the time I woke up, there were about 15 people in the room. I had no idea who was on who's team and who was good or bad.
1 comment:
Good gravy!
haha-under Leo's control!
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