Monday, December 3, 2007

Last night and the night before

So…there was going to be some kind of fundraiser to benefit someone who got hurt or whose house burned down or something.
Lynn Gilman came over (to my apt at Willow Creek in Alvin) to tell me that she needed my help and the details. She was actively avoiding Colleen. She didn't want to run into her and risk her trying to come to the event. I don't know why. When I got there to the event, of course there were a bunch of people I knew, and it was general chaos. Everyone trying to do all the things. Someone was trying to cook pancakes on a GIANT griddle and it was too hot so as soon as the batter was poured it would turn black. I took over the pancake duties even though Deborah Lutz and Lynn had asked me to bale hay for people to sit on. It seemed to be some kind of country breakfast theme. I told them to find Kelly Callihan, that she was sure to be good at that. She was a countryish girl growing up. I guess the event went well, when I left to go to work (at Weiners) things seemed to be running smoothly and the pancakes were turning out great!

Saturday night's dream was freakish. I had to pretend to be involved with an Asian drug lord because I was working undercover (this is what happens when you watch Without a Trace and the FBI lady is undercover and the drug lord is Asian!). I then had to pretend to have died to get him to go somewhere and get arrested. S was very upset thinking I had been involved with "Scary Asian Drug Lord Man" and had subsequently been killed. He found out I was still alive when he broke into my bed and breakfast room (much like the one we stayed in at Oakwind-except there was a whole wall of double french doors that opened out onto this patio). Before he broke in, there was a big storm and the windows were rattling and being very scary. I went to close one of them and Tres was there, she was trying to help me close the curtains and I was telling her we had to close the doors first or the curtains wouldn't stop blowing. Then she wasn't there anymore, but SB was coming in and he was shocked to find me alive!! I was explaining how none of it was real, I was just pretending to be involved with the guy, and also I had pretended to be really sick so he couldn't come near me or he'd get sick, too and not be able to traffic his drugs.


Anonymous said...

So, what's with the criminal dreams?
I dreamed (don't remember details at this point) about you and Cara last night. Woke up happy, so it must've been good.

HeatherRene said...

oh good! I was in a happy dream! and I don't know about the criminal thing...maybe I watch too much Criminal Minds, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Law and Order and CSI!