Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Job Situation

IRL, I applied for a new position with the Army Community Service. I am very on the fence about whether or not I really want it. The only reason is because I am not a job hopper. I feel like people have invested time and man hours in training me and getting me the gazillion passwords and accesses needed for my current position. However, the job possibility is back working with programs that help families, which is where my heart is, and it is in marketing/advertising/journalism where my education is. And it would be a pay increase as well as a career appt whereas my current job was gained by military spousal preference and thus does not carry career status (I know…it's convoluded!)
In dreamland, I was going to my interview with ACS (which I only get if I make the "list of candidates" chosen by the computer…also convoluted). I get there and it is complete pandemonium. Everyone is mad, a couple of people are crying. It appears that one of the Local Nationals (LN) who is an older lady is acting as a Mrs. Garrett (from Facts of Life) and she is suppose to be the "house mother" where some of the employees live. Gal is working at ACS and living at this house (but IRL there is no house where they live, but Gal does work there). Apparently she is crying because LN is in trouble for living on the economy and not in the house. She didn't mean to get LN in trouble, but Mr M, director of ACS is furious and yelling and stomping around. M, S, and D (friends of mine from ACS) are running around briefing everyone on what is going on, who is saying what and who is in trouble. Chris, who IRL is a victim advocate/ domestic abuse go to guy, is trying to keep everyone calm and keep the peace. I ask M, "should I come back tomorrow for my interview? Seems things are a little crazy just now." She says, "oh no, it'll all be fine, just wait a few minutes and it will blow over…"
So I did.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Many many dreams...

Night before last: Found someone's datebook. Was looking at it to try to figure out who it belonged to and realized it was Kimberly's. There was a date highlighted with "Ryan's bday party" on it with details of time and place. My feelings were hurt because I wasn't invited, so I went anyway. Turned out to be a job interview where they interviewed both the candidate and his/her spouse. I burst in crying about why they didn't invite me, and felt horrible when I was told what was really going on. Apparently Kimberly put it as a party in the datebook in case someone saw it, Ryan didn't want his current employer to know about the interview. Nice job, cuz!
Last night: First, I was at work at ASB and Dan (boss at G8 here) came in to tell me something about what I should be doing. I kept trying to verify someone's teller drawer so I could take it over and that person showed it balanced, but I couldn't get it to balance. The $20s kept sticking together. I was thinking how much I loved working at the bank (but I wasn't loving it in the dream, I just was thinking I was loving it…) then some people had to have a hold placed on their acct bc they had a $40something,000 check to deposit but not a long enough history or high enough balance to cover. The lady was so upset and I was trying to explain it to her feeling horrible that they couldn't have access to this money they desperately needed.
Then, I was trying to teach Allison how to make finger puppet shadows on the wall. We were making Ks so we could say KK (for aunt KeKe). All of a sudden, she was a teenager and wanted to go out walking the neighborhood with her friends. I was trying to explain to her that if she would just tell her mom what she wanted to do it wouldn't be a problem. It was that she would just wander off and not say anything. Strange thing is that Kimberly, Allison's mom was Paulette (looking) in the dream.
Then, I was at a college type party, and everyone was SO much younger than me. I started talking to some people, and this one guy was all trying to hold my hand. "Seriously, do you even remember that red electronic toy that you could play memory games with? Merlin I believe was the name of it." He looked at me like I had a third eye. I said, "See? What are you, twelve?" He lowered his head all ashamed and said, no. 26. I said, "oh, ok, sorry. But you are still over 10 yrs younger than me." Not sure why I didn't say, "HEY, back off, you want my husband to punch you?" Anyway, then he started telling me how he won some award, like some maturity award. It was ridiculous, then I woke up.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Fell off the cliff!

We're driving along, S and me, and we are in kind of a desertish climate. There are some cacti, indian blanket flowers and dirt. All of a sudden, the road on either side, the shoulders disappear and become cliffs. I tell him, "scoot over! You are too close to the edge!!!" he says he is too close to the edge over there, too. When we stop, we're at the end, cliff on either side, and then out front of us is a drop off, to a lower road. About a 6-8 ft drop. He gets out of the car, and steps off, landing on the lower road. Well, then I have to drive the car. It seems we think I am just going to pull forward and the car will drop down. Now, I know in real life that if I pull forward like that I will nosedive into the road. Not so in the dream. It is like the coyote, go forward, parallel with the road and then drop flat down. When we get on the lower level, there is another couple who has done the same thing. There was some more to this, but I can't remember what it was. Seems like something about gathering some clothes and food for the needy…or something?!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Long Dream...or lotta little ones...

I was working somewhere like the Alvin State Bank building. Beth, Christy and Kathy were there and we were going from room to room in the "shop", I don't know what the business was. We somehow got word that there were bad guys in the area and they were locking down the buildings. Locking people in, shooting people if met with resistance, etc. We tried to lay low and act right. We got separated at some point and were communicating with knocks on the walls. It was kind of crazy, I don't know how we survived.
Then somehow I was at ASB, working, Jamie came downstairs wearing a black dress with one red shoe and one black shoe. I looked down and I had the same pair onwith my red dress and jeans (?). I asked her, "hey, what's going on with your shoes?" she looked baffled and didn't know. We traded. Then I was trying to go back to my teller booth and I didn't know where any keys were or my drawer or anything and people were wondering what my problem was and why I was confused. They didn't seem to realize I had been gone 10 yrs.
Then, I think this is a totally separate dream, I was in a homeless camp doing research about these people (I am sure this is because this topic was on Dr. Phil the other night) and out of the blue Kerry and Denver from the fantasy football league drive up in a little red Chevette. There was a lot of "omg, HI! what are you doing here? it's great to see you, etc" followed by "what are you doing with these people??" The whole homeless camp is a completely different story, but what is relevant here is that they brought me this trophy that was like a sandbag thing, stood about 1.5 ft high and had a big golf ball on both sides and said "Hole in One Champion". I was furious and accusing them of not wanting to give me the real trophy. They kept trying to convince me that this WAS the real trophy. "see where all the past winners are on here?" Written in sharpie on the back.
So in my homeless camp investigation, the people were really nice, and there were two men and a lady and they ate what they caught on the river and had one car that they only used when all three wanted to go somewhere (that's why they couldn't use it to take me back to my camp-I had walked there). I ended up leaving with Kerry and Denver, they took me back to my camp and then on to there hotel to visit and eat dinner. Then I somehow ended up back at home. And home was here in this house, but apparently in the states.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First dream of 2008

I was living in a house, near Alta Vista and Coffee streets, there in Alvin, kind of between AJH and AHS, where the Slaters and Eric Evans and the Couchmans lived. Maybe you know, maybe not. ANYWAY…I was moving either in or out of a house over there and Dude was moving in with me. I got him in the house and went back to the car to get some more stuff. When I walked back up, there was a small child, probably less than a year, but walking a little, standing by the fence (on the outside) all by herself. I picked her up and held her for a minute, talking to her, and then her grandmother came around the corner. She was staying there with the grandma, and had toddled away while grandma was tending to the flowers. I don't know how she got on the other side of the fence, but I handed her back over and went on with what I was doing.
There was a lot more to this dream, and maybe a separate one altogether. I can't remember though. And I am blaming post-new years firework wake-up explosions for it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Reception

We are going to a Garrison New Years Reception Jan 11. I guess it was on my mind, so I dreamed we were there, and the special guests were General and Mrs. Via! The previous General and his wife who left in the summer. It was so good to see them, she is so so nice. There was some issue with some dessert, I think I was suppose to be in charge of bringing or being sure it was brought out to the table or something. I was kind of running around crazy and someone said, “it’s time to do the receiving line!!” I wanted no part of that until I saw the Gen and Mrs standing there. I ran up and hugged her and we chatted a minute. Then I ran off to get the dessert tray.