Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What are you doing for lunch?

It's kind of fuzzy now, because I waited until I got to work to write it down. But we were workign at Weiners. Everyone trying to figure out who was doing what for lunch. I left to run an errand and said I'd just check around for where everyone was. On the way I stopped at the store on South Street, the one that is on that kind of corner where if you take a left but it is more of a veer left (coming from the Methodist Church direction) and if you keep going you end up on McDonalds/Highland Square street. Anyway, I go in to get a bottle of water and the guy informs me that this is no longer a convenience store, but a cafeteria/buffet. I leave and go to CGBs parent's house to ask if they know who went where for lunch. They don't. So I drive on. I end up seeing Jenn G-M and turn to follow her. We end up back at Weiners, and sit talking in the parking lot. She was saying something about how much weight she had gained since hs, and I was very confused bc she looked the exact same, and I'm not sure we weren't STILL in hs or just out of. She was saying how she weighed 51 lbs in hs, and wore less eye liner. No idea why that sticks in my mind.
freaky dreams!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Another night, another concert

This time it was Rod Stewart. And it was crazy because he was playing at the Top Hat or the Cove or some place on post, or some little place in Burstadt. I just know it was a tiny little venue, and he was out having drinks with the people in the club. I could not believe he had acutally just played the night before in some other little town, osterbergenheim or something German-ish like that. Oh, and he looked like he looked in the early 80s, not like now. Anyway, Bola walked through the door with not so little Th/Ab. He was so big. Like an 8 yr old. She asked if I wanted to stay for the show or take him home and watch him while she was at the show. I said I'd take him! So then we are driving in the car and she and I keep switching off driving, while the car is moving, just one holding the steering wheel while the other is climbing over the seat, etc. It was bizarre!
A little later we came back to pick her up and she either WAS or was with someone named Felicia or something like that who was pregnant but trying not to show it. I was shocked because she had adopted Ab and now was pregnant. And then it seemed like we were at my Aunt Nancy's house, but not the one she lives in now, the one she lived in when Nik and Scott were little. Then the trash man woke me up.

Odd...very odd...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

ALL over the map

Last night was crazy. Just got up and am getting it down before I eat breakfast.

The first part I remember was going to a Rascal Flatts concert. It was really great and we were so close to them, like literally about 15 feet. There were about 35-50 people there with our group, some from here, most from home. Then some of us left and some stayed for the follow up band. I was one of the leavers. On the way out we passed their tour bus, it was really cool. Like a trailer/motor home, had a big round picnic table type hang out area that had pencils and notebooks and magazines and whatnot. We just peeked in the door, I have no idea why I would remember that.

From there the USO type bus tour took us around the town. We were somewhere in Poland or Czech or somewhere like that. There was some concern that the tour guide/bus driver (which are normally different people, but here were one) kept leaving the bus to drive itself while she walked down the aisle and talked about stuff. We got off, walked around, did some shopping. One of the ladies was looking for desk trays, the in/out box kind, preferrably ones that stacked.

When we got the rest of the group from the concert place, *****we went to an Alvin State Bank type place, where there was going to be a flea market so people could sell their stuff because they were moving or whatever. The 72d commander asked if SB could bring his EO slides to the event so he could do like a looping brief where people could listed to his equal opportunity information as they shopped. Someone said something about them paying for their stuff and he acted like people could pay if they wanted, like on a donation basis. Kim Bullard was there (she's a high school IRL and current FB friend) and arguing about how they are going to pay her for her stuff because otherwise she was just going to take it to the thrift store where she was more sure to get cash for it. Someone brought their dog, and it was pink with pink eyes. There was only a strip of black over it's eyes. Like a lone ranger mask. Someone else had another dog who was chasing a spider. The spider was fa-reaky looking. Shaped like a tootsie roll, but bigger, maybe 3 inches long and an inch around (?) coloring like a gummy worm (clearish w/ orangy-reddish tint) and four legs on each end that were on a circular free spinning type system. I told you. freaky. Then I woke up!

****There was a break here, where I went to work out with Elizabeth (fried/co worker here) and afterwards we went to a little cafe and had breakfast. T. Blakeney (former president ASB) was there, and he told the waitress to refund our money, he was paying for our breakfast (I think this is because the commercial was on last night where the man pays for the Soldier's family's meal because he "appreciates his service") anyway, then the cafe needed quarters, so we went to the bank...picked up the above part there...

CGB-no, previous post was not dream related. I just used this forum to post it so I could post it to my scrapbooking forum. I was thinking of doing some card making and stamping the back with that. I am being called Heather B or Mrs. B pretty regularly now. you know, since no one can say my last name very easily. I got really excited about the cards...and then just kind of abandoned it. we'll see...