Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's been a while, and now I'm mad!

At my brother! Sorry DW! We were at some family gathering, and people started leaving to go to their respective homes. SB and I were going to the beach for the weekend (I blame the recent beach getaway of other family members for this) and I asked DW if he had to work the next day. He said REAL MEAN LIKE, "Yes, HEA-THERRR! Or why would I be going there?!?!?!" Then I woke up. I told SB about it and he said, "he didn't really say that to you or say your name 'mean'. Just like I didn't eat your burrito!" and I'll try to get better. I know I've said that before. But I am still dreaming...just not so good about reporting in.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sleepless in Burstadt

No dream last night. Why? because NO SLEEP! I don't know what the deal was, but I couldn't fall asleep! It was a little on the warm side, there were people outside being loud in the street, lots of flopping around trying to get comfortable, etc. So I'm early to work today, and will leave early to go home. I think I may crash by about 3pm anyway. If not, I can get a jump on some house/yard work!

Hope to post a dream over the weekend!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Last night was a jumble of images. I woke up trying hard to remember, but since I snoozed 3 times, I was not very successful. What I do remember is my grandmother on my dad's side. She was there, telling it like it is as always. And lil T was there, so it was past and present mixed. Well, both past, but different eras.
Sorry for the vagueness. argh.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Forgive me. It's been a while.

There have been dreams here and there, but I haven't been posting them. A couple of funny things that have happened over the past few weeks:

While staying at the B parent's house, I guess I was a little confused in the night. I got up and walked around the bed to the corner (furthest from the door). SB said "what are you doing?" I said "trying to find the bathroom!" That made me wake up enough to realize I was no where near the door, so I turned around and went.

The night we got home from the trip, we both collapsed. After I was asleep, I guess it was vital that I know the time. I asked SB, "what time is it?" He ignored me because he knew I was asleep. I repeated the question twice more, him saying, "what? why?" after the first time. Then he looked at his watch, told me "12:30" I said, "hhmmm." And I remember none of it.

Last night I dreamed that I had forgotten to take my lady pills and was trying to take the first 7 all at once. AND I was chewing them up! blek!